The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

I hate my recurring, pointless dreams, so I’m trying to train my subconscious mind. Here’s how.

I’ve been practicing how to lucid dream for weeks — and have had one success so far

Perspective by
Lily Contributor
June 5, 2019 at 5:01 p.m. EDT

I’ve had a handful of recurring dreams my entire life: getting a new puppy; having all my teeth fall out; failing a college class I’d forgotten I was taking; being in a high school play and making up all my lines. I can see why my brain might return to these images over and over in times of stress or anxiety. I also have recurring dreams that I’m cleaning my house, and I’ve always wondered: Why? What makes my brain synapses want to sweep the floor or organize the closet all night when I could be doing literally anything else? I may never figure it out, but I’m trying to stop the pointless dreams via some fringe science.