Democracy Dies in Darkness

Targeted ads are a daily battle. Here’s how I protect myself.

Advertising drags my private life into the open without my consent

Perspective by
Lily contributor
August 21, 2019 at 1:16 p.m. EDT

When it comes to targeted ads, I sometimes feel like a conspiracy theorist: I’ve disabled Siri and am careful not to pause on Instagram ads for too long on. As a comic artist, I realize that targeted advertising isn’t necessarily a bad thing; in my own work, it allows people to engage more deeply with what I create.

But advertising, to me, is sinister. It drags my personal life out into the public without my consent.

That’s why it scares me to speak to younger people, who seem personally invested in social media influencers. I wonder to myself: Is this just modern marketing, or a more sinister encroachment of mental space?